Monday, January 24, 2011

Video Premiere!

So, here's my first video posted!
The girls and their friend, Collette, had a dance party Friday night.

Yes, those are underwear on their heads!
(That *crack!* sound you hear at the beginning right before
I say "ooh, be careful" is the Wii remotes smacking together! ouch!)

2 Nephi 2: 25 "...and men are, that they might have joy."

This is what I did while I was waiting for the video to upload:
  • cleaned the kitchen
  • played Just Dance with Beck
  • swept the floor
  • played Just Dance with Beck
  • showered
  • played Just Dance with Beck
  • cleaned the litter box (eww!)
  • played Just Dance with Beck
  • loaded the dishwasher
Maybe I should upload videos more often!
(Do your videos take this long to upload? What am I doing wrong?)


  1. Looks like socks on hands too he he. Love it, thats what makes the memories :)

  2. I love when my girls dress up "crazy fun" like that too! You are such a fun Mom! And yes, we never wanted to leave Cache Valley. When Jim lost his job this was the job he got and it brought us here to NV. We can't wait to get back.

  3. He he he. I love it!!! And I love how you did so much during the upload. Seriously, it takes forever. Just thank blogger for that!! I always have a hard time with videos. In fact, mine upload but you can't play them anymore :( But you guys are just so cute!!!

  4. Yes, it takes forever! I didn't realize how long blogger took until I had to upload a video to a different blog and it did the whole 4 min video almost instantly. But it's a cute video so it's worth it! And you were quite productive in the mean time. :)

  5. I love your Quote of the Day, "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." I've decided that whenever I'm stuck in traffic or I think someone's being rude on the road, I'm going to assume that they have a crying baby in the backseat. They're incredibly stressed out and trying to get their baby home, THAT'S why they're in such a hurry.

  6. Amber, I really love that quote too. I needed it right now, so I figured someone else might too. I've had some strange exchanges with some ward members lately and I'm going to remember this quote and pray for them. It probably isn't me at all, it's just something they're going through. Hope you're doing great! :)

  7. Don't use Blogger's video upload's ridiculous! But at least you got lots done, right?

    I just keep my videos on Vimeo (which can still take a bit, but at least they tell you how long) and then embed.

    And I love the fun that is being had IN the video. Awesome.

  8. Lara, thanks for the tip!! I was thinking this might be my ONLY video. I've missed you, hope your cruise was fun :)

    My girls always have fun dressing up and being crazy.


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