This picture has absolutely nothing to do with my post, it just makes me laugh!
Today is one of those days... I have them every so often... too often lately... I wake up and feel off :( It's one of those days when I feel like the scripture about the Lord not tempting or trying us above that which we're able to bear is really making me wonder out loud, "Okay, do You really think I can bear all of this? because I'm not so sure..."
I feel so weak... maybe it's because Kaia has been sick all week and it's been very stressful, maybe it's because Zeke being in school for the last 4 years and pay cuts at work have made things very hard in the financial sense, maybe it's because I stayed up too late last night and wasted time watching most of a movie I didn't really enjoy, maybe it's because I'm having serious withdrawls from hanging out with the youth, maybe I just need some chocolate...
maybe I just don't have enough faith...... and yet, I just found a scripture (or two) that shines some light into this dreary day.....D&C 64:33-34 "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days."
D&C 63:20 "Nevertheless he that endureth in faith and doeth my will, the same shall overcome."
I'm trying to be a good mother. I'm trying to stay home with my children. We're trying to "obtain as much education as possible" and live within our means and get out of debt (this is all a LOT harder than you might think, at least it is for me).
I keep thinking about Dory from Finding Nemo.... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
And a quote from Helen Keller, "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition and success achieved."
I also think of a great person, Dr. Ted Davis. He was our family doctor for over 6 years. He delivered Gabe. He now has Lou Gehrig's disease and had to quit practice right after Kaia was born because of it. I cannot begin to imagine what he has gone through. Dr. Noorda, (who is my OBGYN now), told me Dr. Davis ends all of his emails with the letters "I C B W". It stands for "It could be worse." WOW! for him to say that... I need to remember his example of faith and a positive attitude.
Whenever my friend, Barbara, would be in the midst of great stress and trials, she would just smile and simply say very confidently, "The Church is true!"
Well, The Church is true! And by the way, getting IN the dryer was the easy part.
It looks like getting out would be tough. What a great idea with the TCBW. I like that. I hope as the day goes on that things start looking up. I know you have the faith to overcome. Was the movie you watched Avatar? I remember you asking if it was good.
ReplyDeleteThat was a fun night. :O)
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing!
Thanks, Sandra. Yes, it was Avatar (I guess I'm just too picky)
ReplyDeleteMistie, I think you took this picture! good times :) love ya